What do robins, badgers and buzzards have in common?

“Environmentalists can attempt to price up nature and appeal all they like to concepts such as ‘ecosystem services’, in the hope that…others might learn to value wildlife. But predatory capitalism will always bear down on the long-term health of our environment. As every species bar the grey squirrel on the kill list shows, our current leaders are unwilling to tolerate any living thing that inhibits anyone from maximising (sic) their profit.” – Patrick Barkham

While it may have to do with wildlife and political issues across the pond, this piece from the Guardian touches on political and conservation issues known to many here in the U.S.

The reality is that when emotions, politics, money, tradition, and science vie for time and attention in this dialogue, things get muddied and complicated very quickly.

For read Patrick Barkham’s full article, head over to the Guardian.