Trail Cam: Grey Fox – Winter 2018

This winter, on our way to and from the office, we kept spying some small canine tracks in the snow under the apple trees that adorn James’ yard. The avid trackers that we are, we puzzled out which species of animal we thought had left them behind. Where they made by a red fox? Too small. Coyote? Much too small. Domestic dog? Too ‘clean.’ Gray fox? Most likely.

We decided to employ one of our trail cameras in the hunt for an answer. Here’s are some of the photos that were captured.


One of two trail cams that we have set up on the property.


The dark strip of fur running down the tail in this picture bolstered our thinking that we had a gray fox roaming around the yard.


Much like the first photo, this one not only shows the dark strip of fur running down the tail, but also reveals the motivation for this fox to spend so much time in the yard: a meal of old apples!


The dark bars or steaks on the muzzle of this fox are another great indicator of this being a gray fox.

Happy tracking, everyone!