Discovered: Prehistoric Caribou Hunting Structure Beneath Lake Huron

“An elaborate array of linear stone lanes and V-shaped structures has been discovered on an underwater ridge in Lake Huron, marking what is thought to be the most complex set of ancient hunting structures ever found beneath the Great Lakes, according to a new report.

Researchers based at the University of Michigan think the roughly 9,000-year-old-structure helped natives corral caribou herds migrating across what was then an exposed land-corridor — the so-called Alpena-Amberley Ridge — connecting northeast Michigan to southern Ontario. The area is now covered by 120 feet (347 meters) of water, but at the time, was exposed due to dry conditions of the last ice age.”

Much like our previous post about the Mule Deer migration in Wyoming, this is another topic that shows us that, even when we think we know all there is to know, there are still things that are hidden and waiting to be discovered.

As has often been attributed to Carl Sagan: “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”

For additional information check out the University of Michigan (whose faculty were integral to the discovery) and Science World Report.