James is a man who loves puns. He loves reading, he loves rhyming, he loves the english language. He told me that for as long as he remembers he’s been coming up with clever wordplay. “Puns – the poor man’s poetry” he says.
There’s a playful element to puns that James brings all of the things he does. He finds a way to finagle puns into his facilitation style, his every day conversation, and even his debriefs. Like with all puns, sometimes they make us giggle with glee, and sometimes… well… sometimes, it’s just plain punishment. What did we do to deserve this James? Why are you so whimsically witty? How do you come up with them so quickly?
For most of us, it’s not so bad at all. I tend to enjoy them more often than not (mostly because I can’t come up with a pun to save my life and I’m always so impressed.) But when we ask the question “Pun or punishment?” There is one among us who will almost alway say punishment – not always out loud… but we can tell.
So, as the puns roll along we’ll share them with you, and we’ll continue to ask this question: Pun or Punishment – What do you say Kyle?
April 19th, 2018 – 3:41 pm.
None of us had an answer for him.
Back at the ranch, Kyle and I were sitting at our computer desks – minding our own business. James had been fiddling away at his computer, entrenched in research about something. The moment James started to speak I knew what was coming, but I don’t think Kyle was prepared. James looked up at me and said with a smile:
“So Christopher I was on this tracking program once, out tracking by a wetland, and a student called me over to ask me a question. He had seen some markings at the base of a tree, and he asked me ‘is this from a beaver?’ and I said ‘gnaww.'”