

It’s been my observation that the folks who are drawn to outdoor adventure and education also desire to understand more deeply the world in which we play and live. I know that’s the case for me!

Thus, I submit to you, the amazing radio show and podcast Radiolab.

In each episode its hosts, Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich, take you on a fascinating journey during which you explore amazing and unexpected topics. In the words of its creators: “Radiolab is a show about curiosity. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience.”

Recent stories include: Kill ’em All, an exploration of the roles of mosquitoes in our ecosystems; An Ice-Cold Case, an examination of the most current data and hypotheses related to Otzi the Ice Man; and Brown Box, an inside look at an internet-shopping fulfillment center.

The content keeps coming, and  it’s getting better and better. You can download via iTunes, listen to it on MP3 players and smartphones, or simply stream it online.

Check it out; you won’t be disappointed!