
Nature Mystery!

I will be responding to questions, comments, witticisms and criticisms in the thread below. Enjoy!


1: What kind of animal is this?

2: What does this animal like to eat?

3: What is the proper name for the baby version of this animal?




Trail Cam: Bobcats at home

After tracking a local bobcat to it’s home in the cliffs, Director James McNaughton set up a trail camera in order to catch a glimpse of the daily life of these elusive animals. Check it out!




Frequently we prevent our children from doing ‘dangerous’ activities – but have you ever stopped to think about the difference between what you see as dangerous and what is actually… well, a danger? This video showcases some of these activities and challenges us to reconsider our beliefs concerning these risks and how our decisions affect our children’s development.


Making “Scents” of Bobcat Sign

Nature Mystery Of The Week

This weeks nature mystery was found on ice in a wetland area adjacent to a cliff face.

Questions to ponder:

* What animal made these prints?

* Which feet are represented?


Feel free to respond with questions and/or guesses!

Good Luck!

Nature Mystery Of the Week!

Photo Credit – James M.


This weeks nature mystery was photographed last winter in the Quabbin reservoir. A new mystery will be posted next week along with this weeks answers – Good luck!

Some things to consider:

Who left this sign?

What part of the animal’s body were these marks made with?

What kind of tree are these marks on?


Nature Mystery Of The Week!

This is the first in a series of nature mysteries that we will be sharing with you!

Things to ponder:

Who left these marks?

Why were the marks made?

What type of tree are the marks on?


Good luck!