Amherst College FOOT Program – Another Successful Year



We had great success this year with our Amherst College FOOT Program! A whole new group of first-year students have gone through this immersive 3-day experience, where they get to know each other, take part in thought provoking activities, receive guidance from Student Leaders about college life at Amherst College, and enjoy exciting local outdoor adventures. Some groups go on a 3-day overnight trip, and some venture out on day programs, returning to the college to do activities in the evening with their team, but everyone involved takes part in thought provoking and community building activities that always open the door to new conversations and new friendships.



Among these activities are the Mind Map, Letter to Self, and Values Clarification. Every year before FOOT starts, upperclass-students at Amherst College apply to be Student Leaders and they learn how to facilitate these activities from AIAO Staff, and they work on a team with one or two of our staff to deliver these activities in the field, and guide their group through the entire FOOT experience. Much of the time, the students who apply to be Student leaders were previous first-year students who took part in the FOOT program. Time and again the chance to be a Student Leader proves to be a wonderful leadership development opportunity for students.





One of the wonderful aspects of these trips is that new students have an opportunity to go through these activities in a new and beautiful natural environment that always seems to enhance introspection and self discovery.



Have a great year Amherst College students! We’re looking forward to working with you in the coming years to create fantastic new experiences for future students.



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