Your school, organization, business or group is completely unique. There will never be another of what you are right now – your particular collection of people striving to accomplish whatever it is that you do – so how could what you are looking for fit into a cookie cutter style program? Groups of people aren’t widgets; you come to us with your own values, goals, personalities and challenges. Our programs weave together your needs and desired outcomes with our experience, creativity and skills to create an experience as unique as your organization.
Our core values of Deep Connection, Integrity, Transformation and Play are powerful motivating forces for each program design. We believe that every encounter we have with others is an opportunity for individual and community transformation. For this reason, every program is custom designed with two major components in mind:
1) Who the participants are as group and as individuals – their history, their passions, their motivations, their fears. What is their reason for being a part of this group? Why are they here? These are potential points of investment for individuals. These are the greatest leverage points.
2) The desired outcome for participants. What would you like to be happening after the experience, that was not before? What do you want to be different?
We begin our design process with an initial consultation to clarify these two pieces of information. This allows us to then use our deep bag of tools, models, activities, and wisdom to create a journey from point 1 to point 2. No matter how simple or complex, each experience is a journey offering new encounters and insight that can shift in subtle or significant ways how participants see themselves as individuals and as a contributor to something bigger. This is where transformation occurs.
We count ourselves lucky to work with a diverse array of groups and organizations committed to moving from good to great. This the very thing that motivates our own commitment to learning, growth and excellence so that we can bring our best to you!